The Grief Mixtape Project

What happens when a generation that uses gallows humor to deal with trauma loses someone they love? That’s the question The Grief Mixtape Project will explore.

After my father died on September 11th 2022, I saw how differently I grieved versus my silent generation mother, yet there weren’t any specific resources for helping GenX deal with loss like this. All I found were platitude filled books and people who didn’t know what to say or how to help. It made me wonder how other GenXers dealt with the deep impact of grief and The Grief Mixtape Project is the result.

If you are a member of Generation X (born between 1965 & 1980), we want to hear your stories of loss and what you learned when your loved one passed away. This could be the death of a parent, a sibling, a spouse, a child, a friend. Anyone whose loss changed who you are. Your story and name will be published right here on this site, and promoted just like our podcasts are. While we know a maximum of 500 words can’t capture everything you’re feeling, think of it as a starting point. If you’re looking for an example, you can read my own (even tho it’s longer).

Should we publish your story online, you may also be invited to be part of the upcoming book we’re working on. Note that we might do some light editing (i.e. grammar, spelling, etc) on your online submission, but we won’t ever change your voice or tone. Promise.

Thank you so much for trusting us with something so deeply personal. Keep on rocking.

Eve & her dad

Please complete the form below to participate in The Grief Mixtape Project